On 1 December 2022, Professor Halilovich, H. presented the paper “Youth multiculturalism from below: Learning, sharing and living sports and arts on the fringes of Melbourne” at the The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) 2022 Conference, 8 Nov. – 2 Dec. 2022, University of Melbourne.
On 8 December 2022, Professor Hariz Halilovich presented the paper “The missing, the dead and the survivors: Liminal entrapments in the aftermath of genocide” at The International Conference “Social and Political Responses to the Missing and Dead: Conflict, Migration and Beyond”, 8-12 December 2022, Australian National University – University of York. The interdisciplinary conference involved anthropologists, historians, sociologists and political scientists who discussed various aspects relating the issue of the missing people in different geographic regions across the world.