Edin Pasovic holds a Master degree in Economics from University of Sarajevo, School of Economics and Business (2018). He is employed as a full-time Project administrator and Researcher at the CISAR research centre in Sarajevo. He participated at several regional research projects including: “H2020 INFORM project: Closing the gap between formal and informal institutions in the Western Balkans”, “Diaspora and development in BiH” and “Informal Institutions, Corruption and Clientelism in the Western Balkans”. His current research is focused on the informal economy, informal institutions, migration and entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans region.
Efendic, A., Klanjsek, R., Skokic, T. and Pasovic, E. (2019) Informality in the South East European economies In Gordy, E., Ledeneva, A. and Cveticanin, P. (eds): The gap between rules and practices: Informality in South East Europe, UCL: London (forthcoming)
Pasovic, E. and Efendic, S. A. (2018) Informal economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina – an empirical investigation. South East European Journal of Economics and Business 13(2), 112-125.
Efendic, N., Pasovic, E., and Efendic, A. S. (2018). Understanding the Informal Economy in Practice – Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-Finanse, 14(4), 77-89.
2018-2019: BiH team member and researcher: “Closing the gap between formal and informal institutions in the Western Balkans (INFORM)”, H2020 research grant. Consortium leader: UCL.
2012 – 2014 Project assistant, Economic Institute Sarajevo BiH, Project: ‘BiH Diaspora and Economic Development’ in cooperation with the Neuchatel University and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
2016 – Junior researcher, CISAR, Project: ‘Informal Institutions, Corruption and Clientelism in the Western Balkans’
Adnan Efendic is a Professor of Economics at the School of Economics and Business (SEBS), University of Sarajevo. He completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies at University of Sarajevo, PhD study at Staffordshire University, UK. He is the Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Policy SEBS and Editor-in-Chief of the South East European Journal of Economics and Business. He is Affiliate Fellow at CERGE-EI, Prague. He has conducted several international research projects and was the team leader and the main researcher. His scientific studies has been published in world class journals, including several books and editorials published with internationally recognized publishers. He collaborated with leading international institutions as the World Bank, European Commission, Swiss Development Agency and others. His contributions are presented at prestigious universities as Princeton University USA, University College London UK, RMIT University Melbourne, University of Regensburg Germany.
Ute, S., Zbierowski, P, Efendic, A. et al. (2022). Act or Wait-and-See? Adversity, Agility, and Entrepreneur Wellbeing across Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (on-line first).doi: 10.1177/10422587221104820. SSCI, Thomson Reuter Impact Factor: 9.93 (Q1).
Muminovic, A. and Efendic, A. (2022). The long-term effects of war exposure on generalized trust and risk attitudes: evidence from post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina. South East European and Black See Studies (on-line first). doi: 10.1080/14683857.2022.2121250. SSCI, Thomson Reuter Impact Factor: 2.5 (Q1).
Ledeneva, A. and Efendic, A. (2022). There is no free lunch: Informal networking and its costs for entrepreneurs in South East Europe. Europe-Asia Studies (on-line first). SSCI, Thomson Reuter Impact Factor: 1.18 (Q2)
Efendic, A., Kovac, D. and Shapiro, N. J. (2022). Exposure to conflict, migrations and long-run education and income inequality: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Defence and Peace Economics (on-line first). SSCI, Thomson Reuter Impact Factor: 2.07 (Q1).
Williams, C. C. and Efendic, A. (2021). Evaluating the relationship between marginalization and participation in undeclared work: lessons from Bosnia and Herzegovina. South East European and Black See Studies 21(3): 481-499, doi: 10.1080/14683857.2021.1928419. SSCI, Thomson Reuter Impact Factor: 2.5 (Q1).
Ledeneva, A. and Efendic, A. (2021). The rules of game in transition: how informal institutions work in South East Europe. In. Elodie Douarin and Oleh Havrylyshyn (eds). The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics. Palgrave MacMillan.
Efendic, A. and Ledeneva, A. (2020). The importance of being networked: the costs of informal networking in the Western Balkans. Economic Systems 44(4): 1-14. SSCI, Thomson Reuter Impact Factor: 2.31 (Q2).
Efendic, A. (2016). Emigration intentions in a post-conflict environment: evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Post-Communist Economies 28(3): 335-352. DOI: 10.1080/14631377.2016.1166800. SSCI index. Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 2.12 (Q2).
Gordy, E. and Efendic, A. (eds) (2019). Meaningful Reform in the Western Balkans Region – Between Formal Institutions and Informal Practices. Bern: Peter Lang AG.
Zbinden, M., Dahinden, J. and Efendic, A. (eds) (2016). Diversity of Migration in South-East Europe. Bern: Peter Lang AG, ISBN-10: 3034321376.
Efendic, A., Mickiewicz, T., Rebmann, A. (2015). Growth aspiration and social capital: young firms in a post-conflict environment. International Small Business Journal 33(5): 537-561. DOI: 10.1177/0266242613516987. SSCI index. Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 6.41 (Q2).
Efendic, A., Pugh, G. and Adnett, N. (2011). Institutions and economic performance: a meta-regression analysis, European Journal of Political Economy 27: 586-599. SSCI index. Thomson Reuters Impact Factor: 2.34 (Q2).
2020-2021: research grant under the DFID-World Bank-UNHCR programme: Preventing social conflict and promoting social cohesion in forced displacement contexts, research title: “Does exposure to conflict drive education and income differences between displaced individuals and their hosts?”. Position, team member of a research team with 2 member from Princeton University, USA.
2021: National expert and consultant: “How migration, human capital and labour deployment interact in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The project coordinated by Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) and European Training Foundation (ETF), supported by the European Commission.
2016-2019: BiH team leader, policy work package leader for the whole consortium of 9 countries and senior researcher: “Closing the gap between formal and informal institutions in the Western Balkans (INFORM)”. Programme: European Union H2020 research grant, Executive Research Agency, European Commission. Consortium leader: University College London, UK.
2016-2018: team member and consultant: “Service contract to support the European Platform tackling undeclared work”, The Platform is based on the Decision of the European Parliament and the Council from 9 March 2016. Regional Cooperation Council, supported by the European Union.
2014-2016: Team leader and senior researcher: “Social capital, migration and entrepreneurship: evidence from a post-conflict environment”. Project, Regional Research Promotion Programme – Western Balkans, coordinated by the University of Fribourg Switzerland, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Hariz Halilovich—an award-winning social anthropologist and author—is Professor of Global Studies at the Social and Global Studies Centre, RMIT University, Melbourne. Professor Halilovich is also Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Information Studies and Education, University of California Los Angeles, and at the Graduate Interdisciplinary Centre, University of Sarajevo. Situated within an interdisciplinary and global context, Prof Halilovich carries out research into people’s relationship to place, place-making processes, and tensions around place-based identity politics in relation to conflict, disasters and migration (forced, voluntary, transnational and trans-local) from rural and semi-rural to urban locations. In particular, he has studied urban emplacements of rural migrants and refugees and the role of social intimacy and community resilience in settlement patterns and recreation of a sense of belonging in emerging refugee diasporas in Australia, Europe and the USA. Intersecting this area of research is his research and writing on social memory: popular memory, contested and marginalised remembering and forgetting, traumatic memory, and performative enactments of commemorations and remembrances in real places and in cyber space. Much of his work has an applied focus, and he has conducted research on migration and human rights-related issues for a range of non-governmental and governmental bodies, including the Department of Home Affairs (Australia), Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Australia), Minister for Human Rights and Refugees (Bosnia & Herzegovina), the European Commission, and the United Nations organisations: UNDP, and International Organisation for Migration.
Hariz Halilovich, 2022, ‘The ethnographer unbared: Academic kinship, elective affinities and (re) negotiating researcher positionality’, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, DOI:
Hariz Halilovich, Tuba Boz and Masoud Kianpour, 2022, ‘Fields of play: Refuge(e)s in youth multiculturalism on the fringes of Melbourne’, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, DOI:
Hariz Halilovich, 2022, ‘Writing home: Bosnian writers in diaspora’, in D. Karabegović and A. Karamehić-Oates (eds) Bosnian Studies: Perspectives from an Emerging Field, University of Missouri Press: Columbia, pp. 205-230.
Hariz Halilovich, 2022, ‘Missing people and missing stories in the aftermath of genocide: Reclaiming local memories at the places of suffering’, in M. Rauschenbach, J. Viebach and S. Parmentier (eds) Localising Memory in Transitional Justice: The Dynamics and Informal Practices of Memorialisation after Mass Violence and Dictatorship, Routledge: London, pp. 209-233.
Hariz Halilovich, 2022, ‘Long-Distance refugee activism: Commemorating, recreating and reimagining post-genocide communities in diaspora’, in Phillips, M. and Olliff, L. (eds) Understanding Diaspora Development: Lessons from Australia and the Pacific, Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 13-36.
Hariz Halilovich and Nirha Efendic, 2021, ‘From Refugees to Trans-local entrepreneurs: Crossing the borders between formal institutions and informal practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina’, Journal of Refugee Studies, 34(1), pp. 663–680.
Halilovich, H., Dial-Kay, N. and Godfrey Larmon, A. 2021. Maja Ruznic – In the Silver of the Sun, Harwood Museum of Art: New York.
Hariz Halilovich (with Marko Valenta et al.), 2020, ‘Syrian Refugee migration, transitions in migrant statuses and future scenarios of Syrian mobility’, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 39(2), pp. 153-176.
Hariz Halilovich and Iris Kučuk, 2020, ‘Refuge(e)s in digital diaspora: Reimagining and recreating “ethnically cleansed” villages as “cyber villages”’, Etnološka tribina: Journal of Croatian Ethnological Society, 43(50), pp. 182-196.
Hariz Halilovich, 2019, ‘The everlasting presence of the disappeared in genocide: War widows and fatherless families in the Bosnian diaspora’, Migration and Ethnic Themes, 35(3), pp. 277-95.
Lee, J.CH., Halilovich, H., Phipps, P., Sutcliffe, R.J. and Landau-Ward, A.R. 2019, Monsters of Modernity: Global Icons for our Critical Condition, Kismet Press: Leeds.
Hariz Halilovich 2019, ‘Bosnian global villages: (Re)construction of trans-local communities in diaspora’, in N. Susko (ed.) Both Muslim and European: Diasporic and Migrant Identities. Brill: Leiden – Boston, pp. 183-196.
Hariz Halilovich and Adis E. Fejzic, 2018, ‘The Art of Memory after genocide: Reimagining the images of the places of pain and (be)longing’, in D. Drozdzewski & C. Birdsall (eds) Doing Memory Research. Palgrave Macmillan: Singapore, pp. 87-108.
Hariz Halilovich, Jasmin Hasić, Dženeta Karabegović, Ajlina Karamehić-Muratović & Nermin Oruč, 2018, Mapping the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Diaspora: Utilizing the Socio-Economic Potential of the Diaspora for Development of BiH, International Organisation for Migration, Vienna-Sarajevo.
Hariz Halilovich, 2017, Writing After Srebrenica/Kako opisati Srebrenicu, Buybook: Sarajevo.
Anne Gilliland and Hariz Halilovich, 2017, ‘Migrating memories: Transdisciplinary pedagogical approaches to teaching about diasporic memory, identity and human rights’, Archival Studies, 17(1), pp 79–96.
Hariz Halilovich, 2017, ‘Globalisation and genocide’, in A. Farazmand (ed.) Global Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer: New York, pp. 1-8.
Hariz Halilovich, 2016, ‘Re-imaging and re-imagining the past after “memoricide”: Intimate archives as inscribed memories of the missing’, Archival Science, 16(1), pp 77–92
Hariz Halilovich and Peter Phipps, 2015, ‘Atentat! Contesting histories at the one hundredth anniversary of the Sarajevo assassination’, Journal of Communication, Politics and Culture, special issue: The Politics of Remembering Violence, 48(3) pp. 29-40.
Hariz Halilovich, 2015, ‘Long-distance mourning and synchronised memories in a global context: Commemorating Srebrenica in diaspora’, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 35(3), pp. 410-422.
Hariz Halilovich, 2015, ‘Lessons from Srebrenica: The United Nations after Bosnia’, in D. Mayersen (ed.), The United Nations and Genocide. Palgrave: London – New York, pp. 77-100.
Hariz Halilovich, 2014, ‘Behind the emic lines: Ethics and politics of insiders’ ethnography’, in L. Voloder & L. Kirpitchenko (eds) Insider Research on Migration and Mobility: International Perspectives on Researcher Positioning. Ashgate: Farnham, pp. 87–102.
Hariz Halilovich, 2014, ‘Reclaiming erased lives: Archives, records and memories in post–war Bosnia and the Bosnian diaspora’, Archival Science, 14(3–4), pp. 231–247.
Hariz Halilovich, 2013, ‘Bosnian Austrians: Accidental migrants in trans–local and cyber spaces’, Journal of Refugee Studies, 26(4), pp. 524–540.
Hariz Halilovich, 2013, ‘Ethical approaches in research with refugees and asylum seekers using participatory action research methods’, in K. Block, E. Riggs & N. Haslam (eds) Values and Vulnerabilities: The Ethics of Research with Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Australian Academic Press: Bowen Hills QLD, pp. 127–150.
Jasna Čapo and Hariz Halilovich, 2013, ‘La localisation du transnationalisme. Pratiques transfrontalières bosniaques et croates’, Ethnologie francaise, XLIII(2), pp. 291–301.
Hariz Halilovich, 2013, Places of Pain: Forced Displacement, Popular Memory and Trans–local Identities in Bosnian War–torn Communities, Berghahn Books: Oxford – New York.
2022: European Commission COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology): Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe (Odisee University of Applied Sciences, lead); (2023-2027);
2020: Victorian Government, Multicultural Affairs: In the Game: Overcoming barriers and parental attitudes towards school children’s physical activity (2020-2022);
2019: Gandel Philanthropy: Youth multiculturalism from below (2019-2022);
2018: Australian Research Council Future Fellowship: How the missing matter (2019-2023);
2017: Australian Research Council Discovery Project: Missing people, missing stories in the aftermath of genocide (2018-2022);
2015: European Commission HORIZON 2020: Inform – Closing the gap between formal and informal institutions in the Western Balkans (University College London lead); (2016-2018);
2012: Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA): Recognising the pain of others (2013–2016);
2010: Erste Foundation (Austria): Migration and its effects on demographic and economic development in Central and South–Eastern Europe (2010–2011);
2007: The EU Jean Monnet Reflection Activities Grant: European diasporas in Australia (2007-09);
2005: Grant from UNDP: Pathways to Reconciliation and Global Human Rights in the Balkans.
Geoff Pugh is Professor of Applied Economics, Director of the Centre for Applied Business Research (CABR) and Head of Research at Staffordshire University Business School. Geoff has recently led evaluation projects for both the UK Government (on school performance) and for the EU Commission (on innovation support programmes). His particular commitment to the Western Balkans arises from teaching and supervising many former and current MSc and PhD students (supported by the Open Society Foundation) and, most recently, from involvement in research projects supported by the Swiss Development Agency. Since December 2011, Geoff has been a member of the Advisory Committee to the Council of the Central Bank of Montenegro. Twice a Guest Editor for the International Journal of Manpower; Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, and since 2004 has reviewed for19 journals and the Working Paper series of the Czech National Bank.
Efendic, A. and Pugh, G. (2015). Institutional Effects on Economic Performance in Transition: a Dynamic Panel Analysis, Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 65 (4): 503–523. SSCI Impact Factor: 0.8.
Pugh, G. et al. (2014). School Expenditure and School Performance: Evidence from New South Wales schools using a dynamic panel analysis. British Educational Research Journal On-line version published 21-05-2014, DOI: 10.1002/berj.3146, SSCI Impact Factor: 1.66
Hashi, I., Pugh, G. and Gashi, P. (2014). Export Behaviour of SMEs in Transition Countries. Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol.42(2): 407–435 SSCI Impact Factor: 1.641
Coric, B. and Pugh, G. (2013). Foreign Direct Investment and Output Growth Volatility: A Worldwide Analysis. International Review of Economics and Finance. Vol.25 (2013): 260-271. SSCI Impact Factor: 0.927
Haile, M. and Pugh, G. (2013). Does Exchange Rate Volatility Discourage International Trade? A Meta-Regression Analysis. Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Vol. 22(3): 321-350. SSCI Impact Factor: 0.309
Pugh, G. and Stanley, T. (2013). Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Reporting Guidelines. Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol.27(2): 390–394, SSCI Impact Factor: 1.328
Efendic, A., Pugh, G. and Adnett, N. (2011). Institutions and economic performance: a meta-regression analysis. European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 27: 586-599. SSCI Impact Factor: 1.2.
Efendic, A., Pugh, G. and Adnett, N. (2011). Confidence in formal institutions and reliance on informal institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina: an empirical investigation using survey data. Economics of Transition, Volume 19(3): 521-540. SSCI Impact Factor: 0.7.
Velickovsky, I. and Pugh, G. (2011). Constraints on Exchange Rate Flexibility in Transition Economies: a Meta-Regression Analysis of Exchange Rate Pass-Through. Applied Economics, Vol.43(27): 4111-4125, SSCI Impact Factor: 0.404
“Best Paper” awards, 2012 Conference of the British Educational Research Association:
Pugh, G. et al. (2012). Do increased resources increase educational attainment during a period of rising expenditure? Evidence from English secondary schools using a dynamic panel analysis. British Educational Research Journal, Volume 37(1): 163-189, SSCI Impact Factor: 1.14
2014-2016: Swiss Development Corporation: institutional research partnership to mentor the Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) funded project KS_205 “Mapping Clientelism and its Causes: Rents, Rent-seeking and Democracy in Kosovo and Albania ()”.
2014-2015: Staffordshire University, Enterprise and Commercial Development: Evaluation of 2011-15 Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) Strategy.
2012-2014: London Borough of Newham: Evaluation of the 1-1 reading guarantee programme.
2012: Technology Strategy Board (TSB). Collaboration with the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) to design the evaluation of the forthcoming TSB business support programme: Innovation Vouchers in the Agri-food, Built Environment and Aerospace sectors.
2009-2012: EU Framework 7 project: “Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating transition from the traditional to the knowledge economy” (from DG Research call FP7-SME-2009-1). This project evaluated business support measures for SMEs in traditional manufacturing sectors throughout the EU. The UK research focused on the West Midlands and on North Staffordshire in particular.
2008: UK Government: Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), Value for Money Unit. Research Report: Resources and Attainment at Key Stage 4: Estimates from a Dynamic Methodology. Publication Code: DCSF-RR056. Research paper: subsequently developed for publication in the British Educational Research Journal, and won a “commended” paper award at the 2012 Conference of the British Educational Research Association (see publications).
2005: Evaluation of the economic impact of the M6 Toll Motorway for the Southern Staffordshire Partnership (a consortium of local authorities in Southern Staffordshire, the Government Office for the West Midlands, and Midland Expressway, the operator of the M6 Toll). Outcomes include: extensive media coverage; Presentation at the Department for Transport; and a paper published in Regional Studies.
1999: Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and Society of Independent Brewers. Report on the economic consequences of a sliding scale of excise duty for small breweries; submitted to HM Treasury by CAMRA (the research base of a successful campaign – the sliding scale was introduced in the 2002 Budget). Spin-off from this project included three papers published in the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development and one in Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy.
Prof. Marjan Petreski is a Professor of Economics at the University American College Skopje, a Co-founder and Strategic Adviser at Finance Think – Economic Research & Policy Institute, Skopje and a Non-executive member of the Council of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia. He holds a PhD from Staffordshire University, UK. His research focus is monetary policy, development and labor-market topics, all with a strong focus on transition economies. He published widely in international peer-reviewed journals (39 articles in Web of Science – indexed journals). For his research, he received numerous domestic and international awards. Prof. Petreski is the Associate Editor of the South East European Journal of Economics and Business, a prominent regional journal, as well serves the editorial boards of other scientific journals.
Prof. Petreski serves Career Integration Fellow of CERGE-EI in Prague (2012-2015: 2021-to date), Weiser Fellow of the University of Michigan, USA (2019), visiting researcher to the Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay (2016), Hitotsubashi University, Japan (2016), University of Jyväskylä, Finland (2021), while currently serves Research Fellow of the Partnership for Economic Policies, Canada. He extensively works on the development agenda worldwide in wide geographic coverage, most notably – besides North Macedonia: Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Switzerland, Portugal, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Myanmar and 14 countries in Africa. He is deeply engaged in the policy dialogue and public debate in the country and the Western Balkan region.
Petreski, M. and Petreski, B. (2022) Unregistered micro-performers of business activity: The “who” and “why” in North Macedonia. Croatian Economic Survey, 24(2).
Srbinoski, B., Petreski, B. and Petreski, M. (2022) Measurement and Determinants of Multidimensional Child Poverty: Evidence from North Macedonia. Child Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12187-022-09967-9.
Petreski, M. (2022) Labor share in transition economies: Brief firm-level investigation. Applied Economics Letters, DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2022.2083551.
Srbinoski, B., Petreski, B. and Petreski, M. (2022) The Covid-19 Impact on Exports in North Macedonia – Firm-Level Analysis. Economic Research – Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 35(1), p. 7147-7174.
Petreski, M. (2022) State aid causing distinct incentives? Quasi-experimental measurement of effects from grants to private enterprises in North Macedonia. Evaluation Review, 46(2), p.200-230.
Petreski, M. (2021) Return migration and health outcomes in North Macedonia. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 17(3), p.353-371.
Petreski, M. (2021) Has globalization shrunk manufacturing labor share in transition economies? Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(1), p.201-211.
Petreski, B. and Petreski, M. (2021) Dynamic microsimulation modelling of potential pension reforms in North Macedonia. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 20(1), p.49-66.
Petreski, M., Oviedo, A.M. and Cancho, C. (2020) Expectations Set High: Understanding Reservation Wages in North Macedonia. Review of Social Policy, 27(2), p.171-192.
Petreski, M. (2020) Winners or losers? Workers in transition economies under globalization. Post-Communist Economies, 32(4), p.468-494.
Petreski, M. (2018) Public provision of employment-support services to youth jobseekers: Effects on informality and wages in transition economies. International Journal of Manpower, 39(6), p. 820-839.
Petreski, M. (2018) Is informal job experience of youth undermining their labor-market prospects in transition economies? Open Economies Review, 29(4), p. 751-768.
Mojsoska-Blazevski, N., Petreski, M. and Bojadziev, M. (2017) Youth survival on the labour market: Comparative evidence from three transition economies. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 28(2), pp. 312–331.
Petreski, M., Mojsoska-Blazevski, N. and Petreski, B. (2014) Gender wage gap when women are highly inactive: Evidence from repeated imputations with Macedonian data. Journal of Labor Research, 35(4), p.393-411.
Jovanovic B. and Petreski, M. (2014) Monetary policy, exchange rates and labor unions in SEE and the CIS during the financial crisis. Economic Systems, 38(3), p.309-332.
SELECTED PROJECTS (selected from the latest)
Finance Think – Labour and skills mobility and regional integration: The case of the Open Balkan Initiative
giz Deutsche Gesellschaft – Analysis of unregistered micro enterprises and sole proprietors in North Macedonia
International Labour Organization – Survey data calculations on critical workers in four countries
UN RCO / Finance Think – Analysis of financing for SDGs in North Macedonia
UNICEF / Finance Think – Analysis of multidimensional child poverty in North Macedonia through usage of MICS
World Bank – Analysis of the productivity – informality nexus in Benin
UNICEF – Support to the State Statistics Committee in organisation and implementation of the Labour Force Survey, with consideration of COVID 19 impact
Partnership for Economic Policy – Poverty under Covid-19 in North Macedonia: Analysis of distributional impact of the crisis and the government response
Balkan Trust for Democracy / Finance Think – Analysis of state aid in North Macedonia
European Training Foundation / Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies – Migration and Human Capital in the Western Balkans
Nebojsa Stojcic is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, University of Dubrovnik. He completed PhD study at Staffordshire
University, UK. He is the Head of Department of Economics and Business Economics at the University of Dubrovnik, Junior Editor of journal Economic Thought and Practice and member of Editorial Board in several other international journals. As project manager, principal investigator and researcher he conducted several international research projects including projects focused on competitiveness of firms, industries and regions, firm innovation and exporting behaviour including behaviour of SMEs, FDI spillover analysis, regional growth, technology and knowledge transfer. Results of his research have been published in leading journals in the Western Balkans region as well as some of the renowned world class journals.
Hashi, I., Stojcic, N., (2013), The impact of innovation activities on firm performance using a multi-stage model: Evidence from the community innovation survey 4, Research Policy, 42(2)
Stojcic, N., Hashi, I., Telhaj, S., (2013), Restructuring and competitiveness: Empirical evidence on firm behaviour in new EU member states and candidate countries, Eastern European Economics, 51(4)
Stojcic, N., Benic, D., Karanikic, P. (2014), Regional Determinants of Export Competitiveness in Croatian Manufacturing Industry, Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, 32(2)
Stojcic, N., Hashi, I., (2014), Firm Productivity and Type of Innovation: Evidence from Community Innovation Survey 6, Croatian Economic Survey, 16(2)
Hashi, I., Stojcic, N., (2013), Knowledge spillovers, innovation activities and competitiveness of industries in EU member states and candidate countries, Economic Annals, LVIII (198)
Stojcic, N., (2012), Two decades of Croatian transition: A retrospective analysis, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 7(2)
Stojcic, N., (2012), Patterns and determinants of enterprise restructuring in Central and East European countries, Ekonomska Misao i Praksa, 21(2)
Stojcic, N., (2012), The competitiveness of exporters from Croatian manufacturing industry, Ekonomski pregled, 63(7-8)
Stojcic, N., Bezic, H., (2012), Restructuring and barriers: Cross-country evidence on the competitiveness of exporters in transition, Managing Global Transitions, 10(2)
Stojcic, N., Becic, M., Vojinic, P., (2012), The competitiveness of exports from manufacturing industries in Croatia and Slovenia to the EU15 market: A dynamic panel analysis, Croatian Economic Survey, 14(1)Hide
2014: Global Development Network (Austrian Ministry of Finance and Austrian Central Bank): “Regional patterns of deindustrialization and prospects for reindustrialization in South and Central East European Countries”
2014: University of Dubrovnik and Croatian Ministry of Science: “Barriers to SME internationalisation in the Republic of Croatia”
2013: Global Development Network/CERGE-EI Foundation: “The Role of FDI Spillovers in Regional Productivity Dynamics”
2013: European Commission’s Regional Development Fund: “TTAdria – Technology transfer infrastructure in the Croatian Adriatic Region”
2013: European Commision’s IPA Adriatic Programme: “Intermodal – Intermodality model for the development of Adriatic littoral zone”
2010: Ecological Society “Lijepa Naša”: “The Possibilities for the Valorization of the Economic Potential of River Trebižat Region”
2009: European Commission’s Framework VI Programme: “MicroDyn”
2010: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports: “Innovativeness, Technology Transfer and Competitiveness of Croatian Exports”
2006: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports: “Croatia on European Touristic Market in Conditions of Globalisation”
Peter Phipps is a senior lecturer in Global Studies at RMIT and a founding member of the Globalism Research Centre. He undertook post-graduate training in cultural anthropology
at the University of California Berkeley, and a PhD on the cultural politics of postcolonial theory at the University of Melbourne. He has published a number of articles, book chapters, research and policy reports on the cultural politics of Indigenous festivals, commemorations, tourism, ethnic cultural precincts and postcolonialism. He has worked with organizations including the PNG Department for Community Development, ATSIC, ATSIAB (Australia Council), Telstra Foundation, UNDP (Sarajevo), the Yothu Yindi Foundation, DaNang Children’s hospital (Vietnam), City of Moreland, Scanlon Foundation, City of Melbourne, Victorian Multicultural Commission, and Warlayirti Art Centre in Balgo, Western Australia.
· ‘Indigenous Festivals in Australia: Performing the Postcolonial’ in Festival Ecologies a special edition of Ethnos, 2015.
· Forthcoming- (with Hariz Halilovich) ‘Atentat! A Century of Contested Memory in Sarajevo’ in The Politics of Remembering Violence a special issue of Journal of Communication, Politics and Culture, Vol 48, Issue 3, 2015.
· ‘Port Moresby: Contesting Tradition, Identity and Urbanization’ in Singh, Nadarajah, Mulligan, Chamberlain (eds) Searching for Community: From Melbourne to Delhi, Manohar Publishers, New Delhi, 2015, pp 149-164.
· ‘Gentrification, immigration and community cohesion in Melbourne’s multicultural north’ (aka Neighbourhoods in transition: housing, employment and social cohesion in Coburg and Fawkner) (with Val Colic-Peisker and Shanthi Robertson), report to Scanlon Foundation and City of Moreland, RMIT Globalism Research Centre, 2013.
· Indigenous Cultural Festivals: Evaluating Impact on Community Health and Wellbeing, Melbourne: RMIT Globalism Research Centre, 2010.
· A Policy Framework for Melbourne’s Cultural Precincts, Report to City of Melbourne and Victorian Multicultural Commission, 2011.
· ‘Globalization and Culture: a case study from Melbourne’ (chapter in English and translated into Chinese) in Zhang (ed) China’s Urbanization and Community Development under Globalization, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, 2009.
· ‘Performances of Power: Indigenous Cultural Festivals as Globally Engaged Cultural Strategy’, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, vol. 35, no. 3, 2010 pp. 217-240.
· ‘Neocolonialism,’ and ‘Modern Empires,’chapter-length encyclopedia entries in Anheier and Juergensmeyer (eds) Global Studies Encyclopedia, London: Sage, 2012.
2012-13: Scanlon Foundation: Chief Investigator (with Colic-Peisker and Robertson) Housing and employment for social cohesion in multicultural neighbourhoods ‘in transition’: building local best practice,
2009-11: The Reputation Group: Chief Investigator (with Mulligan) Telling the Story of Melbourne’s Cultural Precincts Project, City of Melbourne and Victorian Multicultural Commission
2008-2011: Telstra Foundation: Chief Investigator (with James and Steger) ARC Linkage Project Globalizing Indigeneity: Indigenous Cultural Festivals and Wellbeing in Australia and the Asia‑Pacific
2007-09: RMIT Global Cities Institute: Research Project Manager – Globalization and Culture
2006: Port Moresby: Consultant researcher to PNG Department for Community Development Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Livelihoods Project (also called the ‘Employment Oriented Skills Development Project’)
2005: Globalism Institute with UNDP: Coordinator, Pathways to Reconciliation and Global Human Rights Conference
2002-05: For Yothu Yindi FoundationForum Coordinator, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Annual Garma Festival Key Forums, North East Arnhem Land
2002: ATSIC and Australia Council: Coordinator, Fourth National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Visual Arts Conference
2001: ATSIC: Coordinator, Indigenous Peoples and Racism Conference
Anna Rebmann, PhD, is a Lecturer at Aston Business School, Aston University, UK. She completed postgraduate and PhD studies at University College, London. Her main
research interests are comparative entrepreneurship, high growth entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, institutions, social capital, trust, migration and emerging markets. Currently, she works as a Lecturer in Economics & International Business at Aston University. Previously, she occupied position of Policy Analyst at OECD, Paris and Teaching Assistant of Economics & Business at University College, London.
Efendic, A., Mickiewicz, T., Rebmann, A. (2014): Growth aspirations and social capital: Young firms in a post-conflict environment. International Small Business Journal. DOI: 10.1177/0266242613516987
Efendic, A.; Babic, B. and Rebmann, A. (2014): Diaspora and Development – Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo: Embassy of Switzerland in BiH, ISBN 978-9958-9880-1-1.
2014-2016: Mentor: “Social capital and migration: evidence from a post-conflict environment”, Research project, Regional Research Promotion Programme – Western Balkans, University of Fribourg, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
2013-2014: Team member: “Diaspora and development – Bosnia and Herzegovina”, Research project, Economic Institute Sarajevo in collaboration with the Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, Universite de Neuchatel, supported by the Swiss Development Agency.
Drini Imami holds a PhD in Agrifood Economics from University of Bologna. He has worked as a consultant for FAO, SNV, World Vision, World Bank, EBRD, GIZ, Swiss
Cooperation, different USAID and EU projects etc. Drini has played a key role in many sector studies financed by these organizations and has been co-author of about 25 technical/policy studies and also two development strategies. Drini is a researcher and lecturer of macroeconomics at Agricultural University of Tirana and has conducted research in several leading European research institutions and contributed to more than 30 scientific publications. He has been the Executive Director of Development Solutions Associates (a leading think-tank in Albania) during 2006 – 2012.
Gerdoci, B., Skreli, E., Imami, D. (2016). ” Determinants of Sustainable Relationships in the Albanian Apple Production Sector”, International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 7 (1), 50-65
Skreli, E., Imami, D., Jámbor, A., Zvyagintsev, D. and Çera, G. (2015): The impact of government subsidies on the olive and vineyard sectors of Albanian agriculture. Studies in Agricultural Economics 117 (3)
Gerdoci, B., Skreli, E., Imami, D. (2015). “Relational governance – an examination of the apple sector in Albania”. Journal of Central European Agriculture Vo.16(2)
Imami, D., Kaechelin, H.,Lami, E. (2014). “A new view into Political Business Cycles: Household Behavior in Albania”. Acta Oeconomica
Zhllima, E., Imami, D., Merkaj, E., Qinami, I, Vercuni, A., Chan-Halbrendt, C.( 2014). “Analysis of consumer preferences for table olives – the case of Albanian urban consumers“. Journal of Food Product Marketing, 20 (5)
Imami, D., Lami, E. (2013). “Searching for Political Fiscal Cycles in Hungary”. Journal of Contemporary Economics,7(4)
Zhllima, E., Imami, D., Kächelein, H., Merkaj. (2013). “Impact of fiscal policies on inputs and production costs in greenhouse in Albania”. Journal of Central European Agriculture
Imami, D., Zhllima, E., Viaggi, D., Bokelmann W. (2013). “Between weak markets and weak regulations: Determinants of contracting in orchard farming in Albania“. Journal on Chain and Network Science,13 (1)
Imami, D., Zhllima, Merkaj, E. (2012). “Consumer trends in post socialist countries. The case of Albania”. Rivista di Economia Agroalimentare, 2012 (3)
Imami, D. (2012) “Corruption, Licensing and Elections – A new analysis framework”, SEE Journal of Economics and Business,7 (1)
Imami, D., Chan-Halbrendt, C., Quanguo, Zh, Zhllima, E. (2011). “Conjoint analysis of consumer preferences for lamb meat in central and southwest urban Albania”. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, Issue 3
Vercuni, A., Zhllima, E., Chan-Halbrendt, C., Imami, D., Leonetti, L. (2010) “Comparative analysis of consumer choices for agrifood products in Albania – the case of olive oil and wine”. Journal of Economics and Agribusiness (issued by Faculty of Economics and Agribusiness, Agriculture University of Tirana)
2015: Key expert/Consultant: “Support To Agricultural And Rural Economic Development In Disadvantaged Areas Of Albania (SARED)”, Baseline Study for the GIZ Project, implemented by ISETN-IDRA
2015: International Consultant on Value Chains Analysis: “Capacity development of MAFRD Economic Analysis Unit on agricultural policy impact assessment “, FAO TCP
2014: Consultant: Rabobank study “Albania – Developing supply chain pilot projects in dairy, vegetable and seeds sectors”, Rabobank
2014 – CERGE-EI CIF Fellowship
2013: International Consumer Survey and Policy Support Specialist: “Policy assistance to Kosovo to identify policy support measures linking local agricultural production with domestic and EU market”, FAO Project
2012: Deputy Team Leader: “Preparation of Inter-Sectoral Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development 2014 – 2020 in Albania”, FAO Project, financed by EU
2012: Consultant: “Support to Agriculture and Rural Development “, SARD, implemented by GIZ, financed by EU
Edvard Orlic is a PhD candidate about to complete his studies at Staffordshire University Business School where he also obtained Master degree in Economics and worked as a
Lecturer. Recently, he joined Bournemouth University where he works as a Lecturer in Business Economics. He worked on several international projects related to employee financial participation in the EU and exploring issues of how FDI affects productivity and regional development. Before joining academia, he worked as financial, investment and risk analyst in the investment fund, consultancy and banking industry. His current research interests are FDI spillovers, micro determinants of productivity, technology upgrading, firm innovation, access to finance for SMEs and integration of industries and firms in Global Value Chains.
Hashi, I., Lowitzch, J. and Orlic, E., 2013. Review of Previous Research and Challenges. In: I.Hashi and J. Lowitzsch (eds.). Employee Financial Participation in Companies’ Proceeds. European Parliament Directorate General for Internal Policies – Employment and Social Affairs.
Hashi, I., Lowitzch, J. and Orlic, E., 2012. Literature review: Key features and implications of EFP. In: I.Hashi and J. Lowitzsch (eds.). Employee Financial Participation in Public Services in the European union. A study commissioned by CEEP under the framework of a project funded by the European Commission.
Kersan-Skabić, I. and Orlic, E., 2009. Does trade liberalization cause FDI inflow or vice versa? The case of Croatia. Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 22 (2), 1-24.
Kersan-Skabic, I. and Orlic, E., 2007. Determinants of FDI inflows in CEE and Western Balkan countries (is accession to the EU important for attracting FDI?). Economic and Business Review for Central and South-Eastern Europe, 9 (4).
2014-2016: University of Rijeka and Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport: “The competitiveness of Croatian Exports”
2013-2014: Global Development Network/CERGE-EI Foundation: “The Role of FDI Spillovers in Regional Productivity Dynamics”
2012 -2013: European Parliament: “Employee Financial Participation in Companies´ Proceeds”
2011-2012: CEEP and European Commission: “Employee Financial Participation in Public Services in the European Union”
2010-2011: European Commission: “Information and Communication Project – Promoting EFP in the EU-27”
2006-2009: European Commission’s Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the Kelso Institute for the Study of Economic Systems: “Assessing and Benchmarking Financial Participation of Employees in the EU 27 (PEPPER IV Report)”
Ismet Kumalic is a Professor of International finance and EU Monetary policy at PIN University, Banja Luka. He completed undergraduate studies and postgraduate studies at
University of Sarajevo, and PhD studies at Pan European University „Apeiron“, Banja Luka. He also has completed additional specialization programs in fields of management at Bristol University and public sector reform at Crown agents – International Management Training Center, Worthing. He has rich experience in both private and governmental sector, working as director of several banks and private-owned companies and governor of Una-Sana Canton. He authored and co-authored more than 20 research papers and books in various fields of economic science – from banking, through management to fiscal policy. Currently, he is a team leader and senior researcher at Swiss National Science Foundation funded research project (SCOPES research grant).
Kumalic, I. (2010): Recession and Capital Market in B&H, Economic Review (Ekonomska Revija), Vol VII, issue 2
Kumalic, I. (2010): Bonds and Capital Market in B&H, Revicon, Poreski savjetnik (Tax Advisor) No. 3
Kumalic, I., Kumalic, J. (2011): Does the introduction of higher and lower tax rates on value added tax in Bosnia and Herzegovina converges tax rates of EU member states and whether it will satisfy the social expectations, 1st International Conference: Economic System of European Union and Accession of the Bosnia & Herzegovina, Vitez
Kumalic, I. (2013): Instruments and up-growth of capital market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poslovni konsultant no 22
Kumalic, I. (2013): Level of development of financial market of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Emc Rewiew, Vol III, No. I, Panevropski Univerzitet “Apeiron”
Kumalic, I. (2013): Implications of Croatian accession to the EU and the impact on the economy of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Poslovni konsultant no 27
Kumalic, I. (2013): Innovations on the capital market the chance for development of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Anali poslovne ekonomije No 9, PIM University
Kumalic, I. (2014): Bosnia&Herzegovina – the right place for foreign investors, EDASOL 2013, Emc Review Year
Kumalic, I., Vukovic, V. (2014): The concession on natural resources in works of economic development” Anali poslovne ekonomije
2014: Life strategies and survival strategies of households and individuals in South-East European Societies in the time of crisis, SCOPES Research grant, Swiss National Science Foundation, Bern
Nirha Efendic works as a curator for oral literature at the National Museum of BiH, Department of Ethnology. Her works mainly focus on oral literature, and especially
lyric poetry, while her current research interest is extended to anthropology. She had gained valuable academic and research experience during her visits to Oxford and Staffordshire University in the period 2006-2008. She obtained her Master degree in 2009 and PhD degree in 2014 both at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo.
Efendic, N. (2022) Fragments of Intangible Cultural heritage of Srebrenica Refugees and Its’ Returnees, Vol. 7, No 2 (19) DHS 2, 2022,101-116.
Efendic, N. (2022) Three Versions of the Ballad from Bosnia’s North about Pledging a Son for a Brother, Vol. 7, No 3 (20) DHS 2, 2022, 27-36.
Halilovich, H., and Efendic, N. (2021). From Refugees to Trans-local Entrepreneurs: Crossing the Borders between Formal Institutions and Informal Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Refugee Studies. DOI 10.1093 /JRS/ Vol. 34, No 1, 2021. Published by Oxford University Press. 663-680.
Efendic, N., Pasovic, E., & Efendic, A. S. (2018). Understanding the Informal Economy in Practice – Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, e-Finanse, 14(4), 77-89.
Efendic, N. (2018) Sevdalinke Withdin the Framework of Bosniak Oral Literature, in: The scent of Quinces prepared by Masha Belyavski-Frank, Language Institute of the University of Sarajevo and National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina (337-357)
Efendic, N. (Ed.) (2018) Folk Narratives from Derventa and its surrounding, Slavic committee and the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 2018.
Efendic, N., Krzovic, I., Causevic, M., Čengić, A., and Kodric-Zaimovic, L. (2018) Brief History of Bosniak Culture, Traditional Culture, Edition Bosniaks, Sarajevo: SIMURG Media, STAV and IUS (11-37)
Efendic, N., Gavrilović, D. Krasniqi, V. Obad, O. Prica, I. Skokic, T. (2017). Women’s Entrepreneurship Between Production and Reproduction. Report on the ethnographic work carried out in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, and Serbia, Available at: Women’s Entrepreneurship Between Production and Reproduction
Efendic, N. (2015) Bosniak oral lyric – cultural-historical frames of genesis and poetic features, Slavic committees and The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
Efendic, N. (2015) Sevdalinka Within the Framework of Bosniak Oral Literature, Hrvatski casopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku Narodna Umjetnost, Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb
Efendic, N. (2015) The Bunch of Lyrical Oral Songs in the Memories of Srebrenica Returnees”, in: Women as Bearers of folk music practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo / ICTM National Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 186-195.
Efendic, N. (2013) A view of the oral poetry of Prusac area based on new material, Herald of the National Museum – Ethnology, Vol. 50, pp. 193-209.
Efendic, N. (2010) A view of the Sephardic Romansa in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Vol. 47, Issue 2, pp. 163-147.
Efendic, N. (2010) Đ. Butorovic: Morics – purpose of remembering and memories, Etnolog, Vol. 20, pp. 359-362.
Efendic, N. (2009) Sevdalinkas in edition of Janko M. Veselinovic in renew publication, Letter – Journal for Linguistics and Literary Studies, Vol. 7, pp.
Efendic, N. (2007) Anthology of Bosniaks’ Lullabies, Sarajevo: Preporod.
2012: The state of oral tradition on the territory of Srebrenica-Potocari, Eastern BiH, An ethnological research supported by the Ministry of Education and Science FBiH
2010-2011: Ethnological researches of Konjic down-town, Hercegovina, Member of the research team, Ethnology Department, National Museum BiH
2008-2009: Changes in everyday life of displaced Srebrenica residents settled in Sarajevo region, Member of the research team, Ethnology Department, National Museum BiH
2008-2009: Ethnological research of Prusac area, Central BiH, Member of the research team, Ethnology Department, National Museum BiH
2008: Ethnological research of Kraljeva Sutjeska area, Central BiH, Member of the research team, Ethnology Department, National Museum BiH
Andrej Naterer is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. He completed undergraduate study of sociology and philosophy at University
of Maribor and PhD study of anthropology at University of Ljubljana Slovenia. He is lecturer and researcher at the Department of sociology, Faculty of Arts, lecturer at the Department of media communication, Faculty for computer engeneering and lecturer and head of the Department of pre-clinical studies, Medical faculty, University of Maribor. Andrej is an editor of scientific mongraphy series Subcultures, researcher at Center for the Study of Post-Socialist Societies, member of an editorial board for AIDS studies (Macrothink Institute) and member of several regional commitites for youth and Ngo’s. His main research focus is on youth, youth social formations, youth marginalization and poverty. He conducted three anthropological fieldworks (Phenomena of street children in Ukraine (fieldwork 2000-2012), India (fieldwork 2003) and Zambia (fieldwork 2013)). He was project manager at University of Maribor in international project Silver – Sounds Identifying Learners Values in Europe (2009-2010) and was in charge of qualitative part of research team in project Youth 2010 and Youth 2013 (national surveys).
NATERER, Andrej, LAVRIČ, Miran. Using social indicators in assessing factors and numbers of street children in the world. Child indicators research, ISSN 1874-8988, 2016, vol. 9, iss. 1, str. 21-37,
NATERER, Andrej. Violence and the code of the street : a study of social dynamics among street children in Makeevka, East Ukraine. Journal of interpersonal violence, ISSN 0886-2605, 2015, vol. 30, 8, str. 1387-1402,
NATERER, Andrej. Cestni otroci in življenje zunaj tradicionalnih okvirov socializacije. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, ISSN 0351-4285, 2012, letn. 39 [i. e. 40], št. 249, str. 116-127, 183, 187.
NATERER, Andrej, GODINA, Vesna V. Bomzhi and their subculture : an anthropological study of the street children subculture in Makeevka, eastern Ukraine. Childhood, ISSN 0907-5682. [Print ed.], 2011, 18, [no.] 1, str. 20-38.
NATERER, Andrej, FIŠTRAVEC, Andrej. Makejevka – subkultura cestnih otrok. Družboslovne razprave, ISSN 0352-3608. [Tiskana izd.], dec. 2006, letn. 22, št. 53, str. 75-91.
NATERER, Andrej. Bomži : cestni otroci v Makejevki, (Knjižna zbirka Frontier, 035). Maribor: Subkulturni azil, 2007. 261 str. (scientific monograph)
NATERER, Andrej. Portraits of the interviewees. V: LAVRIČ, Miran (ur.), et al. Youth 2010 : the social profile of young people in Slovenia. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Ministry of Education and Sports, Office for Youth; Maribor: Aristej, 2011, str. 475-576, portreti.
NATERER, Andrej. A synthesis of qualitative research findings. V: LAVRIČ, Miran (ur.), et al. Youth 2010 : the social profile of young people in Slovenia. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Ministry of Education and Sports, Office for Youth; Maribor: Aristej, 2011, str. 577-614.
NATERER, Andrej. Zeitgeist of young people. V: LAVRIČ, Miran (ur.), et al. Youth 2010 : the social profile of young people in Slovenia. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Ministry of Education and Sports, Office for Youth; Maribor: Aristej, 2011, str. 615-623.
2014: Life strategies and survival strategies of households and individuals in South-East European Societies in the time of crisis, SCOPES Research grant, Swiss National Science Foundation
2013: Youth 2013 – researcher (Slovenian youth 2013 : living in times of disillusionment, risk and precarity : first CEPYUS Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Youth Survey)
2010: Youth 2010 – qualitative team leader and researcher (national youth survey)
2009-2010: project manager at University of Maribor in international project Silver ( Sounds Identifying Learners Values in Europe)
2007: researcher (Final evaluation of the “Youth 2000-2006” community programme)
Gorcin Dizdar has completed his BA in Philosophy and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford and his MA and PhD in Humanities at York University, Toronto, where he was a recipient of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship. In his dissertation, he provides an interdisciplinary analysis of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s medieval cultural heritage, paying particular attention to the ways in which it continues to play an active role in contemporary narratives of personal and collective self-identification. Currently, Gorcin acts as the director of the Mak Dizdar Foundation, a non-governmental organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s cultural heritage. His essay “The Graves of the Ancestors”, originally published in the literary journal Descant, was included in the volume Best Canadian Essays 2013.
Dizdar, G. (forthcoming) ‘Invisibility and Presence in the stećak stones of medieval Bosnia’, Invisiblity and Presence Conference Proceedings, Heidelberg UP
Dizdar, G. (2015) ‘Mediating Meaning in Botticelli’s Primavera’ in Georgi, Claudia (ed.). Convergence Culture Reconsidered. Göttingen UP
Dizdar, G. (2014) ‘Debosnizacija stećaka’ [‘The Debosniasation of the stećak stones’], Godišnjak Bošnjačke zajednice kulture “Preporod” 1: 265 – 269.
Dizdar, G. (2014) ‘Nekoliko crtica o pojmovima hereze, dualizma i Bosanske crkve’ [‘Some notes on the terms heresy, dualism and the Bosnian Church’], Forum Bosnae 66: 110 – 137.
Dizdar, G. (2013) ‘The Stones of the Ancestors’, Descant, April 2012, included in Doda, Christopher and Marche, Stephen (eds.). Best Canadian Essays 2013. Toronto: Tightrope Books
Dizdar, G. (2012) O ideologiji nauke o stećcima. [‘On the ideology of stecak scholarship’], Slovo Gorčina
2015: Initiator and manger of project Literary meetings “Across the Rivers”, bringing together 6 authors and 60 high school students from 3 regional countries, funded by UNICEF.
2012: Initiator and curator of Mak House, museum and cultural center in Stolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, housing exhibitons of artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Switzerland and Australia.
2012: ‘The Medieval Funerary Culture of Armenia’, York University Fieldwork Cost Fund.
Jasmina Talam completed undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD studies at the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.She is professor of the
ethnomusicological subjects (Musical folklore, Ethnomusicological research and fieldwork methodology, Ethnocoreology) and Head of Institute for Musicology at Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo. She regularly presents the results of her research in national and international conferences and contributed to numerous articles, book chapters and edited works published in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Slovenia, Turkey and United Kingdom. She was academic editorial contributors to Grove Music Online, Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World and SAGE Encyclopedia of Ethnomusicology. She is a member of editorial board of the magazine Muzika (Academy of Music in Sarajevo and Musicological Society of FBiH) and Journal of Literature and Art Studies (David Publishing Company, New York, USA). She is active member of the Musicological Society Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chair of the International Council for Traditional Music – National committee in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her professional experiences also include presentations and invited lectures.
Talam, Jasmina et al. (2014), From Traditional to Modern: Ilahy in Bosnia and Hercegovina”. Maqām: Historical Traces and Present Practice in South European Music Traditions, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Talam, Jasmina, (2013), Folk Musical Instruments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Talam, Jasmina, (2013), Traditional Instrumentalists: Experiences in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 19. meeting ICTM Study Group Folk Musical Instruments. Studia Insturmentorum Musicae Popularis III. New Series
Talam, Jasmina, (2011), Examples of an interesting practice: Singing by the pan, 18. meeting ICTM Study Group Folk Musical Instruments. Studia Insturmentorum Musicae Popularis II. New Series
Talam, Jasmina, Karača Beljak, Tamara, (2011), Ethnomusicological Research and Fieldwork Methodology – Expirience in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Approaches to Music Research: between Practice and Epistemiology. Methodology of Music Research. Vol. 6.
Talam, Jasmina, (2010), Mehterhane and their influence on the Bosnian folk music, Militärmusik zwischen nutzen und missbrauch. Manfred Heidler, ed. Militärmusikdienst der Bundeswehr
Talam, Jasmina, Karača Beljak, Tamara, (2010), Revitalisation of the legacy of Cvjetko Rihtman. Ongoing ethnomusicological research at the Academy of Music in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Researching conservatoires enquiry, innovation and the development of artistic practice in higher music education. Pocketbook. Helena Gaunt, ed. Polifonia research working group. AEC Publication. 77
Talam, Jasmina, (2009), Drums in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 17. meeting ICTM Study Group Folk Musical Instruments. Studia Insturmentorum Musicae Popularis. I. New Series
Talam, Jasmina, Karača Beljak, Tamara, (2009), Ottoman Influence on Folk Music Tradicion of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Muzikološki zbornik. XLV/1. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta
2014: Main researchers: prof. dr. Rajko Muršič and prof. dr. Jasmina Talam. Bilateral project between Faculty of Philosophy of Ljubljana and Academy of Music in Sarajevo: Transformations of popular music after the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia: On “feedbacks” between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia
2014: Lecturer, Training and research for academic newcomers (TRAIN). A project of the King Baudouin Foundation. Ghent University (scientific coordinator), University of Kent, Uppsala University, La Sapienza, University of Rome, UP Transfer Gmbh, Santander Group, University of Belgrade, University of Novi Sad, University of Montenegro, University of Sarajevo.
2014: Team leader. Women as Bearers of Folk Music Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina
2014: Coordinators: dr. Gerda Lechleitner (Austria) and dr. Jasmina Talam (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Bilateral project between Phonogrammearchive, Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo: Murko project – Bosnian records
2011/2014: Coordinator for Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo. TEMPUS project: Introducing Interdisciplinarity in Music Studies in the Western Balkans in Line with European Perspective (partners: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Netherlands, Kosovo, Slovenia and Sweden)
2008/2009: Main researchers: prof. dr. Svanibor Pettan and dr. Jasmina Talam. Bilateral project between Faculty of Philosophy of Ljubljana and Academy of Music in Sarajevo: Perception of the Turks and of the East in folk music in the Territories Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia: Ethnomusicological parallels.
Mirza Mujaric is a full-time employee at CISAR. He holds a master degree in economics obtained at School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo in 2014, and has started his PhD studies at the same institution. He is a bright prospect and a promising researcher at the start of his career. He already took part in several important research projects including “Engaging BiH postgraduate students in regional perspectives towards European integration” under the patronage of the EUSR and the Delegation of European Union in BiH, where he had the opportunity to sharpen his research skills by working with 9 other researchers from the region. His contribution to the research was of great importance.
MA Thesis (2014): “Using IPA funds in the function of improving BiH institutional framework”
Hasanagic, E., Mujaric, M., et al (2012): Contemporary institutional and economic challenges BiH faces on the path of EU integrations: The use of EU funds for fostering of endogenous growth on the basis of experience from Croatia and Serbia, EUSR, School of Business and Economics Sarajevo
2016-2019: BiH team member: “Closing the gap between formal and informal institutions in the Western Balkans (INFORM)”, H2020 research grant. Consortium leader: UCL.
2014: Junior researcher and project administrator: “Social capital and migration: evidence from a post-conflict environment”, Regional Research Promotion Programme
2012: Junior researcher – “Engaging BiH postgraduate students in regional perspectives towards European integration”, European Union Special Representative
Aldin Medjedovic is an expert with 20 years of professional experience in managing intergovernmental processes, socio-economic development and supporting policy and programme development. He completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Sarajevo School of Economics and Business (SEBS) focusing on international economics, fiscal policy and EU integration process. In 2022, he earned a PhD degree in Economics from University of Sarajevo developing an empirical model for assessing the efficiency of fiscal support and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on SME sector. His knowledge was additionally extended through number of graduated courses and trainings on fiscal policy and EU integration process that he attended at Joint Vienna institute, International Monetary Fund, Ljubljana School of Economics and Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. For 10 years, he has held a direct expert advisory role at a BiH government, coordinating, among other, preparation of the Economic Reform Programme. His professional experience include work for the European Commission, UN agencies, Bosna-S Oil Services Company, Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Konrad Denauer Foundation, GIZ, Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency, World Bank – International Finanace Corporation and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Međedović, A. (2011). Analysis of Public Expenditures in BiH and Transition Countries. In: Technics Technologies Education Management, Sarajevo: ISSN: 1840-1503, Volume 6 Number 2, str. 526.
Kurtović, S., Talović, S. and Međedović, A. (2009). Competitivness of National Economy, Mostar: ISSN 1512-8377, School of Economics Mostar, 7(14): 31-45.
Medjedovic, A., Efendic, A. and Zaimovic, T. (2008). Economic challenges of BiH integration to the EU. In: Transitional challenges of EU integration and globalization, Sarajevo: SEBS, ISBN: 978-9958-25-015-6, COBIS.BH-ID: 16892422.
Efendic, A. and Medjedovic, A. (2006). Economic Criteria for EU membership: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo: Economic Policy Planing Unit BiH.
Klekovski, S., Xhumari, M., Efendić, A., Medjedovic, A., Vidačak, I., Rukiqi, B., Nuredinoska, E., Stojanova, D., Djurić, D., Andrić, Č. I Hafner-Ademi, T. (2011). Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions in the Western Balkan Countries, Skopje: Macedonian Center for International Cooperation.
• EU Outreach Project, European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Project Manager/Consultant
2005- 2009:
• EC CARDS Pilot Waste Recycling Project BiH, Consultant
• IFC Assessment of Waste Recycling Sector in Southeastern Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Consultant
• UNIDO Workshop on Halon Management in BiH, Consultant
• Waste Management Plan for Zenica-Doboj Canton, Consultant
• Strategy for Protection of Environment for FBiH, Consultant
• EBRD – Resettlement Framework and Resettlement Action Plan for the Corridor Vc Project, Consultant
• Assessment of IFC Advisory Recycling Linkage Program Southeast Europe (Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Serbia) and Creation of Replicative Project Model, Consultant
• Coordination Youth Board, Ministry of Foreign trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Office of State Coordinator for PRSP, Project Coordinator
Ema Talam is currently finishing her Master’s level studies at Faculty of Economics of University of Ljubljana, majoring in Economics. She holds Bachelor’s degree in the field of management from School of Economics and Business of University of Sarajevo. During the studies, Ema was involved in numerous extra-curricular activities and attended large number of educational programmes such as: summer schools (at University of Oslo in 2014, at University of Graz in 2013, at University of Ljubljana in 2012), seminars and workshops in the domain of economics and business. Main fields of interest include: economic growth and development, econometrics, labour market economics, transition economies (with special interest in the economies of the Western Balkans) and economic integration (with special interest in European integration).
Dalila Mujaric is currently engaged in Master’s level studies at School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo (SEBS), majoring Marketing management as the best student in her generation. She completed her undergraduate studies at the same institution with honours from the University, as well as from the Federal Ministry of Education. Dalila lead a team that won the “Ad Campaign Challenge” organized by “Oslobođenje” daily newspaper for developing a best marketing communication plan. Dalila also worked as Marketing in-charge in several companies, including British Tobacco. Her main interests are Marketing management and PR.
Ajla Omerspahić graduated English Language and Literature at The Faculty of Philosophy, Department for English Language and Literature, University of Sarajevo in 2013. As a teacher of English language and literature, she is currently running and teaching several English courses for children and adults at various associations. Due to the diversity of her profession she has had an opportunity to work as a translator/interpreter as well.
2012-present: Project assistant for professor Lee Ann Fujii (Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto) on her research program by translating various articles and texts needed for the program and the book on ethnic violence; writing texts to complement the research.
2010: Translated and edited numerous articles for the magazine BH City Review
2008: Worked as English-BCS translator for Universal Peace Federation.
2007: Translated/interpreted from BCS to English at the AENEAS Program (Financial and technical assistance to third countries in the fields of migration and asylum) organized by European Commission and The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)